You Really Get to Know Your Spouse When You #Retire! #retired #retirement #retiree #retirees
How well do you know your spouse or significant other? If you met 30 years ago, do you really know […]
How well do you know your spouse or significant other? If you met 30 years ago, do you really know […]
For me, the best way to lose weight is to count every single calorie. I need to lose 10 stubborn […]
If you are retired, or within a few years of retiring, the recent volatility in the stock market must be […]
When I was working, I took my daily vitamins every morning before going out the door. When my schedule changed, […]
Retirement gives you the freedom to schedule activities during non-peak times. For example, the lake is very popular on the […]
American employers typically provide 2 weeks of vacation and 1 week of sick leave in benefits packages. If you have […]
We just returned from vacation and the first thing I did the following morning is get on the scale! Vacation […]
It’s the day after the Memorial Holiday weekend in Virginia Beach, Virginia. One would think the beach and beachtown would […]
For new retirees, one of the most important activities to incorporate into your TDS is exercise. Why? If you are […]
If you are over 50, you may be at the peak of your career. The most successful Project Managers have […]