No truer words were ever said … These words were forcefully delivered by Steve Harvey on his daytime Steve Harvey Show. The topic was fitness, specifically the ECTORcise mother and daughter personal trainers, Gymnetics Fitness Presents ECTORcise The Challenge Vol. 1. Believe it or not, the mother is 63 years old! Her body looks toned and fit! The takeaway from the show was to move your body and eat healthy! For those of us who are over 50, it is extremely important to remind ourselves on a daily basis — our health is our wealth! Every time we put something in our mouths, we need to ask, “What affect will this have on my body?” When we eat something we know is fatty, sugary and delicious, we need to walk it off! Do some type of exercise to counteract the pleasure (and calories) of our favorite snack! Whenever we have the opportunity to talk to older relatives and
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friends, we always hear that the key to physical fitness and health is to move your body every single day. Even if it’s just for 10-15 minutes, a briskwalk or stretches will make your muscles and tendons more supple. For example, I took a few days off this week because I wasn’t feeling well. I stopped doing my daily floor/core exercises. When I went to the doctor, I carried a bag with my ice water, magazine, etc. The next morning, my upper arm was hurting and I couldn’t figure out why. I thought back to everything I lifted and remembered the bag I took to the doctor’s office. If I had been doing my floor/core exercises and stretches, my muscles and tendons would have been stretched, supple, and ready to lift! As fitness-focused as I am, even I need a reminder every now and then!
A fun and inexpensive way to work your whole body is dancing! You can dance almost anywhere, with or without music!
We recently read an article where several doctors were asked for health tips to live a long life. One doctor said to eat a vegetable at every meal, even breakfast.
Stay encouraged! Work out, eat right, and get good sleep every night!
If you are over 50, and you have discovered a “health and fitness” tip, please share your tip by joining us at The Fifty Plus Network:
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