To hear Danna Leese in her own words and voice, enjoy the video below …
Danna Leese performs on the runway during a fashion show …
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Can you believe the gentleman in this photo is almost 80 years old??? What’s his secret? (1) He has a very positive outlook on life. He never tries to figure out why people do what they do; he just accepts them for who they are, and makes the best of every situation. (2) He is extremely careful about what he eats; also called a “picky eater.” To avoid taking medications, he eats low salt, low fat foods. He also avoids eating at restaurants because he is concerned about unsanitary conditions, which can lead to food poisoning. (3) If he does get sick, he tries to use organic or natural methods to reduce symptoms. For instance, instead of taking medication for nasal congestion, he uses a SinuCleanse Nasal Wash System, Plastic Neti Pot With Salt Packets to clear his nasal passages. (4) He takes vitamins everyday, such as a multivitamin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Omega 3. (5) He exercises everyday, such as walking and yoga. (6) The most important secret is that he is a goal-setter. He makes decisions about what he would like to accomplish in his life, and he sets goals to achieve his life’s dreams!
Do you know an accomplished gentleman over 50 whose story should be told? If so, share his story by joining us at!
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